Sunday, April 8, 2007

Did you just order 3-D?

I wonder what good is 3-D to the human species. The complexity of mimicking reality as close as possible to the real stuff is super time-consuming and eyesight-deteriorating. Well. virtual reality is a form of insurance before the real work begins. Do you suppose 3-D work is worth the effort and investment , in both time and money?
Some irrelevant points of 3D:
1. It is expensive.
2. Cheap 3D = cheap wine
3. If you want cheap 3D pls feel free to learn it yourself. It's just the cost of the software you'll have to bear.
4. No design sense and can't visualize even with hand drawings therefore still need the Virtual Simulation.
5. If you invest ONE MILLION on your ID works, you are afraid to pay a fraction of your total billing for a good 3D design, and ended up changing your dream premise(s) just because you didn't see any bad decisions in the plan which costs you another maybe few K's.
There. 3D ROCKS.

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